Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Happy Camper

One of the only things I can think of more fun than going to summer camp, is going to summer camp as a counselor. Over the summer, I had the privilege of working with two summer camps, Tennessee and Kentucky. On top of that, I got to work at these camps with five of my best friends. On top of that, we were given the keys to golf carts and basically raised heck for a solid week. (Hopefully somewhere in their kids lives where changed) We weren't the typical camp counselor's but rather we had been hired to help ensure everything behind the scenes went smooth. Which meant service production, meal time, late night activities, etc.

Some of my favorite memories from those camps came late at night after the campers were asleep. We would take the golf carts out and basically trash them. We would do wheelies, sled behind them in the mud, and race through a foot of standing water. We also played our own version of Mario-Kart, with our own made up weapons of choice.

Races around Trevecca's campus has almost killed two of my friends. I honestly thought I had chopped off Will's head with the roof of the golf cart when I flipped it. Luckily, Will is a shifty little son of a gun and somehow managed to survive. I thought Jake died when he willingly jumped out of a kart I was driving to try to win a race. Below is a sweet pic of his war-time injury.

If you've never been crazy with a golf cart, I highly suggest it

Jake with the lovely Mrs. Rita Storey

1 comment:

  1. that last one is totally Jake. All summed up in one picture.
